
Potential for Renewable Energy

Mongolia boasts significant potential in solar and wind energy. The country’s long-term policy (Vision 2050) aims to achieve energy self-sufficiency in the initial stages, reduce coal-based energy production, and eventually transform into an energy-exporting nation.

  • Solar Energy Resources: Up to 4.7 TWh annually
  • Wind Energy Resources: Up to 2.5 TWh annually

Current Status of Renewable Energy

Mongolia’s renewable energy production capacity stands at 286 MW, accounting for 18.1% of the total installed energy capacity and 9.2% of the total energy production. This demonstrates a growing utilization of solar and wind energy.

Licensing and Regulation

Engaging in energy-related activities in Mongolia requires obtaining relevant licenses. The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) is the primary regulatory body overseeing licenses, monitoring the performance of license holders, setting electricity tariffs, approving transmission network contract templates, and monitoring contract compliance.

Feed-in Tariffs

Mongolia’s renewable energy law provides the following feed-in tariffs:

  • Wind: Up to 0.085 USD/kWh
  • Solar: Up to 0.12 USD/kWh
  • Hydro (up to 5MW): 0.045-0.06 USD/kWh


Investment Opportunities

Mongolia aims to achieve energy self-sufficiency, reduce coal-based energy production, and increase the share of renewable energy. Investments are particularly needed in the solar and wind sectors. The Mongolian government has planned 21 energy projects as part of the New Recovery Policy.

Now is the perfect time to invest in Mongolia’s renewable energy sector. Various policies and regulatory relaxations have been put in place to increase the utilization and production of solar and wind energy. With a stable investment environment and significant growth potential, we invite you to explore the opportunities in Mongolia’s solar energy market.

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